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Developing and Validating the Basic Psychological Need Crafting-Work Domain Scale: A Tool for Measuring Need Crafting in the Workplace
This study aimed to develop and validate the Basic Psychological Need Crafting-Work Domain Scale (BPNC-WDS), a work domain specific instrument. Need crafting, a proactive process rooted in self-determination theory (SDT), focusing on fulfilling basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness) through approach and avoidance strategies, on cognitive and behavioural levels.
Research Problem
There is a need for a validated, work domain measurement instrument for need crafting.
The current need crafting measurement instrument (Laporte) was not developed for the workplace. The original Need Crafting Scale (NCS) was designed for adolescents and used applied in school/university settings.
Theoretical Foundation Application
The study is grounded in SDT, which posits that fulfilling autonomy, competence, and relatedness is essential for motivation and well-being. The theory underscores that while need satisfaction fosters engagement, need frustration can lead to negative outcomes.
The study employed a modified e-Delphi technique to develop the BPNC-WDS, involving iterative rounds of expert feedback, seeking consensus on the clarity and representativeness of the measurement items included in the final instrument. A pilot study involving 206 South African employees validated the measurement instrument by confirming, convergent, discriminant, criterion and concurrent validity.
How the problem was addressed
The researchers tailored the BPNC-WDS items to reflect workplace scenarios/needs. The Delphi process ensured the instrument items were representative and clear, addressing the previous need crafting tool's limitations.
Delphi study - a panel of experts refined the Basic Psychological Need Crafting-Work Domain Scale (BPNC-WDS) items through two rounds of feedback. The process achieved a consensus of 88.69% on the clarity and representativeness of the items, resulting in a final list of 60 items representing the 12 dimensions of need crafting. These dimensions covered both approach and avoidance strategies at cognitive and behavioural levels for autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs.
Pilot study – conducted with a sample of 206 South African employees validated the instrument’s validity. Data analysis confirmed the BPNC-WDS’s 12-dimensional structure, accurately capturing distinct need crafting dimensions. The BPNC-WDS demonstrated strong associations with need satisfaction and need frustration, particularly showing that approach crafting increased need satisfaction and reduced frustration, while avoidance crafting had more complex and variable effects
Implications and Conclusion
The BPNC-WDS addresses a significant gap by being one of the first instruments that measures need crafting in the work context contributing to literature and practice in this way. The BPNC-WDS is a valuable tool for organisations looking to enhance employee well-being by supporting proactive basic psychological need satisfaction. In conclusion the study was successful in its aim to validate a the BPNC-WDS.
How will the delegates be able to apply your session content back on their job?
Enabled to measure BPNC in the workplace
What type of tip/tool (e.g., a template, framework, etc.) will you leave the delegates with?
BPNC measurement instrument
What do you want your audience to know at the end of your presentation and what will the three main points be?
The most important thing to know about BPNC is that it is a proactive, self-directed approach that employees use to fulfil their basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, by deliberately engaging in strategies to satisfy these needs (approach crafting) or avoid frustration (avoidance crafting), approach and avoidance crafting operates on a cognitive and behavioural level.
The study introduces the Basic Psychological Need Crafting-Work Domain Scale (BPNC-WDS), an instrument to assess need crafting in the workplace. This is one of the first instruments to do so.
The BPNC-WDS captures the nuanced/complex, multi-dimensional nature of need crafting by distinguishing between approach and avoidance strategies, which operate on cognitive and behavioural levels.
The study highlights the potential of need crafting as a tool for improving workplace well-being. Organisations can use the BPNC-WDS to identify and encourage effective need crafting practices among employees.