Blind Peer Review
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Critical competencies for emerging HR practitioners in the evolving workplace in South Africa
Orientation: There is a need to enhance the competencies of emerging HR practitioners to ensure their effectiveness, efficiency, competence, and sustainability in organisations and the field of HR.
Research purpose: To explore and identify the competencies (skills, knowledge, and abilities) that are particularly pertinent for emerging HR practitioners in adapting to the changing dynamics of the South African and global workplace.
Motivation for the study: The changing world of work, employability challenges, the competency gap, new and advanced technology, and employer expectations have necessitated the need for this study.
Research approach, design, and method:
A qualitative research design was utilised, following an interpretivism paradigm focusing on research participants' experiences and perceptions. A non-probability convenience and purposive sampling were employed. The sample consisted of (n=64) HR Managers/supervisors with three years and more of work experience in the HR field across various industries and organisations in South Africa. A qualitative survey on the QuestionPro platform, including open-ended questions, was used for data collection. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the collected data.
Main findings:
The findings revealed that the relevant competencies emerging HR practitioners mostly lacked related 11 knowledge competencies, five skills competencies and four ability competencies in various HR-related fields. To remain relevant in the new world of work, the findings revealed that HR practitioners need knowledge of technical, social, analytical, and managerial competencies.
Practical/managerial implications:
Information collected during this research phase revealed a set of competencies HR managers identified as lacking among emerging HR practitioners. This informs employers and managers on the specific competencies that need to be developed amongst emerging HR practitioners to be able address the challenges of the changing world of work.
Contribution/value-add: Information collected for this study provides evidence-based data about the competency gap amongst emerging HR practitioners in the South African landscape. These competency insights are valuable to emerging HR practitioners in understanding employers’ and industry expectations. Emerging HR practitioners can align their efforts towards enhancing the specific competencies for employability. Employers, academics, and industry can align HR education and development programs with industry needs using these competencies.
Abilities, Competencies, Emerging HR practitioners, Knowledge, Skills.
How will the delegates be able to apply your session content back on their job?
The content shared in this session will provide valuable insights to emerging HR practitioners, academics, and employers. Practitioners will gain an understanding of the critical competencies needed and will be able to align their efforts towards developing these essential skills. The session will also inform employers and managers about the specific competencies that need to be developed among emerging HR practitioners to effectively address the challenges of the changing world of work.Academics can align HR education and development programs with industry needs using these competencies.
Employers can use these competencies to inform and design training programs that equip and enhance the skills of emerging HR practitioners.
What type of tip/tool (e.g., a template, framework, etc.) will you leave the delegates with?
From this study, a short learning program was developed that can be shared with interested organisations. They can use this program to help emerging HR practitioners develop and enhance their competencies. The same applies to emerging practitioners who wish to focus on developing specific competencies through the short learning program."
What do you want your audience to know at the end of your presentation and what will the three main points be?
1.Presenter would like to inform the audience about recent findings regarding the critical competencies required from emerging HR practitioners, as identified by employers.
2. Discuss ways to enhance these competencies
3. Discuss the developed SLP for emerging HR pracititioners